4 properties in Mancor de la Vall for sale

further locations:
house in Mancor de la Vall

Mancor de la Vall, Historic town-mansion with potential for various uses in Mancor de la Vall

964 m²

1.360 m²


€ 2,120,000.-

house in Mancor de la Vall new

Mancor de la Vall, Finca in Biniarroy with breathtaking panoramic views over the whole island to the sea

222 m²

83.013 m²


€ 905,000.-

house in Mancor de la Vall with Holiday license

Mancor de la Vall, Village house with garden and pool

270 m²

1.000 m²


€ 425,000.-


Porta Mondial - your leading real estate agent in Mancor de la Vall!

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Information about Mancor de la Vall and surrounding area from Porta Mondial:

Mancor de la Vall

Stone houses in Mancor de la Vall in the Tramuntana

Mancor de la Vall is a 1,000-strong community located at the foot of the Tramuntana where a constant flow of visitors passes through. In the tranquil village with its many stone houses you can hear the heart beat of the island.

A long road to independence

Mancor de la Vall is one of the smallest municipalities of Mallorca and until 1925 was part of the neighbouring municipality of Selva. Originally, the village consisted of four farms in the 13th century which were far away from each other. In 1348 a chapel was built, suggesting that the village gradually grew.

But it was not until 1913, that the parish church of Sant Joan de Baptista was built in what is now the town centre, and the village gained independence. After 1925 the church and the political autonomy grew. To date Mancor de la Vall is dominated by agriculture and forestry.

Parish church Sant Joan de Baptista

Parish church Sant Joan de Baptista

A unique natural area

The mountain scenery of the Serra de Tramuntana was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2011, as its cultural landscape has remained for centuries. The terraced hillsides at the back of Mancor de la Vall are a picturesque example. The Mancorís boast many olive trees that are used to process the finest olive oil in the island.

The community is also surrounded by an intact oak forest where hikers encounter countless coal yards. The processing of wood to charcoal was (before the introduction of butane gas) an important industry in Mallorca up until the 60s and particularly in Mancor de la Valls.

Today Mancorís often visit the forest in their spare time. Hunters shoot hares, mountain goats and partridges. Hikers can walk from Mancor de la Vall to Lluc or climb the 1364 metre high Puig de Massanella, the highest accessible mountain of Majorca. And in late autumn mushroom pickers search the undergrowth to find a very special treat.

Plaza Mayor in Mancor de la Vall

Plaza Mayor in Mancor de la Vall

A fungus for food lovers

The Mushroom called "esclata sang" is a traditional delicacy in Mallorca. The brownish-yellow fungi grow from the ground in autumn and make a delicious appetizer. Usually they are only briefly sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with salt, pepper and parsley. Since Mancor de la Vall is something of a mecca for mushroom pickers, during the last weekend in November there is a mushroom fair, the "Fira de l'esclata-sang i de la Muntanya". It is a typical Mallorcan event where you can not only try out the many mushroom dishes, but also match the traditional craftsmen at work. Musical performances round off the colourful program.

Still a secret

Those looking for rural tranquility and pure nature, should settle in Mancor de la Vall. The village has no through traffic. Seniors snoozing here in the bars on the street peacefully is not uncommon.

Street of Mancor de la Vall

Street of Mancor de la Vall

Mancor de la Vall is somewhat reminiscent of Valldemossa, with its narrow streets and numerous stone houses - only that you feel more like a tourist or a discoverer here. Accordingly, curious and friendly locals welcome new faces. If you want to discover more, the small town of Inca is just 10 kilometres away. Here Mancorís find everything else they need to live.